Website design, graphics, art & content property of TormenTwelve.  No part of this site may be reproduced without written permission. All Rights Reserved. © 2004 - 2009

Linda Creighton
Saturday, 10/11/08, 11:01 AM
This haunting is SO VERY SCAREY, just when you think it's safe to breath again, something new happens to STOP your breath. Be afraid, very afraid. It is well worth the drive from the Quad Cities. I highly recommend the insanity and be careful you could easily become a repeat patient!!!
From: Davenport iowa
Email:  lcreighton@visitquadcities.com

Saturday, 10/4/08, 8:42 PM
My first time thru torment at twelve hundred was awesome...I liked the outdoor trail and the haunted house/barn was def good!! Def in my opinion one of the best one's I've been thru so far.
From: Kewanee
Email:  susanlynnkelly@hotmail.com

Friday, 10/3/08, 8:09 PM
You guys have done a great job yet again. Still my favorite haunted house in the quad cities :). This year was definitely the best though because even after we had been through the house the guy from the front door scared the living daylights out of me by breathing on the car window. Kudos. You guys kick butt and my husband and I will be back next year. Thanks for putting so much effort into scaring us and having fun at the same time. Have a happy halloween!! :) Laura H. p.s. having the 'poop' spray this year was a very nice and unexpected touch :-p
From: davenport
Email:  claire1524@hotmail.com

Monday, 9/29/08, 5:44 PM
I love your haunted house! It is my very very favorite, I go every year. Not only is it scary but it's a ton of fun. This year I will for sure bring all my friends and family so we can parttyyyy:] ps. I love you bob:] -kylie jo
From: moline

Saturday, 9/13/08, 7:14 PM
well i have to say your site has got me mapquesting to your place!!! im a thrill seeker and want to fine the best haunted house around so far only found 1 with agro monsters in the house and that is in Manitowoc, Wisconsin... but other than that the ones i have been to are a cake walk.. maybe you can help me find a few good ones to get the old heart jumpin lol.... happy scarin
From: Plymouth, Wisconsin
Email:  so_ice_cold@yahoo.com

Wednesday, 9/10/08, 6:01 PM
Hey I just wanted to say I'm lookin forward to checkin you guys out this year. My friends/nephews and I go to haunted houses every year as a celebration of my bday which happens to be on halloween. My nephew suggested we go to yours this year, he has been a couple of years ago and said he loved it...so see ya'll soon!!
From: Kewanee
Email:  susanlynnkelly@hotmail.com

Thursday, 11/1/07, 9:43 AM
it was pretty fun not really scary though i really liked the tunnel at the end it makes you feel like your falling overall i really liked it
From: Moline

Monday, 10/29/07, 11:52 AM
My fiance and best friend went with me last Friday 10/26. This was the first haunted house I've been to in 15 years!!! I'm glad I waited. It was awsome! The only thing that I was sort of 'disappointed' about, the guy with the axe on the trails said that the good news was, that there weren't any more zombies on the trail; but the bad news is that there were 15 more axe murderers. I was hoping there would be! I get that the suspence makes it all the more scarier, but it could've used a couple of more 'things' in the woods. But I loved it! I love haunts with a story. Awsome!
From: Milan
Email:  budda@qconline.com

Kieryn Rockwell
Sunday, 10/28/07, 10:45 AM
This was definatley worth the trip. I plan on coming back next year! Keep up the good work. =]
From: East Moline, IL
Email:  korixnicolex93@aim.om

Thursday, 10/25/07, 1:54 PM
I thought it could have been better. You can tell that a lot of work went into the haunted house, but it's the same story as it is every year. With the amount of people working inside, there should be some more outside. I like the chainsaws right in the beginning, it kind of catches you off guard. I have to agree with the others that said that the end is kind of dull. Was it your haunt that had michael myers at the end of the spinning vortex? If it was, you should do that again, that was scary. Maybe have him walk towards the people in the vortex with the strobe light going, then have everything turn off and when it comes back on, have the one walking towards the people be gone and have a michael myers behind the people and chase them out.
From: Moline

Monday, 10/22/07, 11:24 AM
Hey! I loved your haunted house, it was freakin' scary. it was so put together.. the movie at first made me think it was going to be lame. but ol' crabby abby got me going. the trail def. needs more people, but the house was great! i was there sunday for the first time, and good lord... i have never been so scared, the girl in the dog cage is great... she looked so calm then BAM! she scared the crap outta us..haha.. then the clown. good lord is he scary.. good work guys... keep it going and i will try to send people out your way! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
From: coal valley

Grace DeWitt
Sunday, 10/21/07, 8:13 PM
i loved it !! it was fun !! dead ending though !!
From: davenport, IA

Wendy Stipp
Sunday, 10/21/07, 12:02 PM
The movie at the beginning was really cheesy but overall it was good. The clown was the worst...I hate clowns but the trail was pitch black...all the lanterns were out!
From: Abingdon

Saturday, 10/20/07, 11:55 AM
great job. not only shock but smell and discusting looking. the realizim is, well sick. is it time to play again.
From: moline

Nick Ashley
Friday, 10/19/07, 10:34 PM
I thought it was well put together... well organized. All of the staff was very respectful. the theme and theatrics were awsome! I would come back again, as long as you can keep this going.I went with my 14 yr. old and her friend, & it scared the crap out of them! By keeping it safe they had a fun experience and had a safe environment. Your Haunted House Rocks!!!! My husband was scared ...!
From: Geneseo
Email:  tma@mchsi.com

Saturday, 10/13/07, 12:46 PM
i love your scarey stuf................................................ .................................................... love.karina
From: Iowa
Web Site:  karina.com
Email:  www.pegein.com

Friday, 10/12/07, 9:14 PM
I had a friend go a couple weeks ago and she said it was awesome....I plan on making out next week..It will be my first time so I hope its scary.. If its scarier than Gilson..Ill love it because I love Gilson
From: Abingdon
Email:  wstipp@abingdon.k12.il.us

kelly (worked as zombie)
Thursday, 10/11/07, 4:01 AM
~sigh~ sad to say but theres simply nothing like you guys here in indianapolis, no turn-keys just a bunch of startal factors :( o well maybe ill start a haunt of my own one day :P
Email:  hurly_sk8r@yahoo.com

kelly (worked as zombie)
Wednesday, 10/10/07, 6:04 PM
to steve nancy and the rest of the staff: hey guys, hope you pull out a lotta people this year! the new cronical is great. i wish i could be there again! stupid Bush. if i do manage to get down there (believe me ima try) you better be on your game. and dont worrie i will definatly try to keep the group gusseing if theres an open spot (indirectly of course). to the atendies: this haunt is amazing, and im nto jsut sayin that cause i worked there. they set it up so well even the workers get a little uneasy from time to time (take it form someone whos done it). i wont give details away but i will tell you that you WILL get scared and you WILL have fun as long as you dont jsut run through with your eyes closed. its definatly worth the money, if you take your time. bring plenty of friends and stick close (very close) because its the straglers that we devoure. a couple good ways get your moneys worth: 1:DO NOT come intoxicated (its jsut not smart and you might not remember the blood curtling screams well) 2:ware good shoes. you will be denied entry if you dont fallow this rule 3:dont hackle the workers. not only does it ruin it for you and your firends and waste YOUR money, but it makes it harder to get the full effect of the haunt (besides, your firend might not like you afterward :P) 4:dont touch anything. its happend before and people have been thrown out in a hurry, dont touch the props dont touch the workers because they have been known to touch back if you do this your garenteed a good time. enjoy the haunt :) p.s. nancy or steve E-Mail me a couple places where i can get some inexpenceive haunt makeup. that way if i cant go to the torment, i can bring a little torment to the neighborhood Good Lcuk Again this year!
From: indiana (now)
Email:  hurly_sk8r@yahoo.com

Tuesday, 10/9/07, 8:10 PM
I love Torment At Twelve Hundred! It is always fun and scary! Just a hint! The chainsaws scare the crap out of me everytime and everybody that im w/! I love your site too! Cant wait til i go this year! =)! So excited!
From: Colona Illinois
Email:  haileyjo9@yahoo.com

Crabby Abby
Sunday, 10/7/07, 1:00 PM
Ghoul Evening Every body, Looks like another night of Torment awaits you!!! we'll be waiting for YOU.. and when you get here...you better suck it up and get over it ...There's no time for fear wollering sissies..!!! WE'RE GONNA GET YOU!!!!!!
From: Bowels of Hell

Saturday, 10/6/07, 8:21 AM
your haunted house really wasnt that scary, you should have had more people jumping out at you from in the woods and on the walk and a better ending. but me and my friends had a real good laugh.
From: Davenport

Friday, 10/5/07, 8:25 AM

heather shepard
Thursday, 10/4/07, 8:02 AM
your site is awesome and i hope the torment is good like last year.
From: moline

Wednesday, 10/3/07, 8:13 AM
I w ent to your hounted house 2 years ago and it was so much fun but the ending was a little boreing

Tuesday, 10/2/07, 6:33 PM
Hay u guys! I really loved ur h.h last year and i hope to love it this year. But I think that u have to have a scary ending it was dull. But keep the spinning thing. IT WAS SUPER FUN! Be back this year. Hope u give us a fright! <3 the H.H! <3Kylie

Tuesday, 10/2/07, 6:29 PM

Tuesday, 10/2/07, 3:50 PM
Everything was awesome I think you could use a few more haunts in the woods that would top it off....Great Job.... It so beats Gilson... C you Friday!!!
From: Rock Island
Email:  jonathan_bent2005@yahoo.com

Tuesday, 10/2/07, 7:41 AM
I really like your web site. The story you guys have is relly interesting.

Wednesday, 9/26/07, 6:41 PM
OMG! 8 days!!!
From: East Moline
Email:  a_boy_named_rudy@yahoo.com

Rick Peterson
Wednesday, 9/19/07, 5:31 PM
My aunt Bea told me i should check out my sisters and her husbands haunt house my dad Gene Peterson just had his b-day today his computer is back up if you want to write.....
From: Nashville TN.
Email:  enterprise1766@comcast.net

Aunt Bea
Tuesday, 9/18/07, 6:15 PM
Dear Nancy & Stephen, I was so impressed with your website. I could see all the work you had put into it. Loved all the creepy victims on TORMENTED SOULS. Can't wait to see / meet them. It was fascinating reading about Doctor Thomas Oment and his bride, Helen and Doctor Vilstein in TORMENTED CHRONICLES In DEAD BOOK, I enjoyed reading everyone's email comments. I was really surprised to find, MY email, I sent you on 13 Oct 2004. Looking forward to seeing your haunt this year. It sure be fun to be one of your Halloween Victims or crew members at your 2008 haunt. That would be assume!! I'm now, applying early in volunteering. I've been telling family and friends to come see it or your website. Hope you have a great turn out..I pray you have good weather for the entire haunt. and NO RAIN !!! I'm so proud of you both. GREAT WORK. See you soon at the HAUNT...Lov, Aunt Bea
From: Galesburg, ILL
Web Site:  Bea O'Brien
Email:  bea1313nd@yahoo.com

Monday, 9/10/07, 7:12 AM
Very good site. I loved it! The Zombies are great looking. I can't wait to help you scare the life out of peoples! The behind-the-scenes is the only way I will ever enter a Haunted House.
From: Moline, IL
Email:  dinaglide03@yahoo.com

Saturday, 8/4/07, 5:23 PM
Have you added another weekend to your schedule. I look forward to another possible get away and hopefully I will have the time to stop in.
From: california

Sunday, 12/31/06, 5:09 PM
That was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun and SUPER scary Iloved it soooooooo much and I'm defentle looking forward to coming back next year Thank you and have fun!!!!!!!! Thank You, Jayde
From: ILL
Email:  jaydeandblake@mchsi.com

Thursday, 11/2/06, 3:03 PM
I had a great time at the haunted house, it made for a good get away. You are correct on your site when you say it might be to intense for younger people. It was intense for me and I am far from being young. GREAT JOB !
From: california

Brian, Morgan, and Austin Enburg
Tuesday, 10/31/06, 7:58 AM
Hi everyone, We would just like to take a moment to thank Steve and Nancy on a job well done. First of all, let me say we thank you from the bottom of our rotting heart's for allowing us the opportunity to scare the hell out of the living. This has been an experience well worth the time and energy. We would also like to thank Nik for her makeup ability's. I do not belive I could look any more Zombie than a Zombie himself. Just having the chance to be behind the scenes has brought a new and welcome eye-popping experience to us and also ideas for our little yard of ghouls for Halloween tonight. We would really rather work with you all tonight. But I cannot dissapoint the neighborhood kids. If we are done early enough we will try and be out to go through Torment ourselves tonight. Oh and by they way all you zombies out there if ya got it in ya, we also would like to get the crap scared out of us. We are looking so forward to next year and we hope you will consider us as you are casting next year's zombies and insane freaks. Only 339 days until opening day. Thank the devil that it is not a leap year. I don't think we could wait one more day. Let's face it, all those other Holidays are overrated. Halloween is where it is at. Also, Steve and Nancy, you are very fortunate to have the cast and crew you have. They all worked hard, stayed focused, and were very professional across the board. As Steve said when we first met that "everyone is a family" here and we felt at that moment we were involved. Well to all of our new found brother and sister zombies and zombiettes. Thanks for the memories of rotting courpses, the insane, and the just downright nasty folks. WE APPLUADE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well as the crypt gets sealed once again for another year hope to see each and everyone of you next year. Brian, Morgan, and Austin Enburg PS You know the bad review or two that was written means nothing to us. As we all know that we are the best at being the worst. I ignore bad reviews because I know better. Those type of reviews come from the jealous, so never ever let those one or 2 get you down. Think about the 3 to 4 thousand that loved you.
From: QCA
Email:  BEnburg@aol.com

Saturday, 10/28/06, 1:16 PM
This is the best haunted house you could ever go to!!!! it has everthing from crazy patients to deadly zombies!!!! And you better watch all of your surroundings you just never know when they will be back to haunt you!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Alpha
Email:  soccerbabe0128@hotmail.com

lexy, chey, rachel, brooke, bree
Saturday, 10/28/06, 1:14 PM
hey we're all going 2 be at the haunted house 2nite! Can't wait & we hope ya scare that living shiznit outta us!
From: Moline,IL
Email:  luvxyaxlots@b100.net

Sunday, 10/22/06, 1:40 PM
it was my 2nd haunted house the fist one was a baby one. i thought this was the best one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: geneseo
Email:  blueflower646@yahoo.com

Monday, 10/16/06, 4:24 PM
OMG THIS IS THE BEST HANTED HOUSE IN THE WORLD me and my friends went to 18 haunted houses and yours was the best!! tell homer i said hello!lol
From: orion
Email:  rl.mcmullin@mchsi.com

Monday, 10/9/06, 6:37 PM
Hey guys!It was even better than last year!You guys never cease to impress me or scrae the hell outta me!lol Always good to see Ruben too.Not sure if Jen peed in her pants or not!lol But at least she left Ruben a gift!I'm sure I will be seeing you soon....AGAIN!
From: Rock Island
Email:  mishatmj@yahoo.com

Monday, 10/9/06, 8:32 AM
i went to this haunted house last night and i loved it! it was awsome
From: Moline Il
Email:  ellieh629@msn.com

Sunday, 10/8/06, 10:22 PM
Liked your site/maybe i will come and check out the haunted house this year, if you are doing it
From: california

Linley Heaton
Sunday, 10/8/06, 3:29 PM
I really liked this Haunted Field and House you guys have. I usually don;t like getting scared but this place I will make an exeption for. Keep up the scares and sreams!! I wil be back for more next year!!
From: Geneseo
Email:  LRH.Sapphire88@mchsi.com

Sunday, 10/8/06, 10:42 AM
From: chicago

Saturday, 10/7/06, 7:44 AM
I was just wondering who sponsors Torment? Is it a police association? By the way, it was the best one I have been to in a quite a long time!!! Thanks- Vicki

rod carlson
Friday, 10/6/06, 8:06 PM
Just returned from enduring your haunted house....Awesome!!! The best we have been to in awhile. We learnt about your house on the b100 website and it was very helpful. We plan on returning with some friends, to see have they can handle it. Once again excellent job, we really enjoyed the scare.
From: davenport
Email:  drod60@msn.com

Thursday, 10/5/06, 9:56 PM
From: Rock Island
Email:  mishatmj@yahoo.com

Tuesday, 10/3/06, 12:55 PM
that baby pic of reuben is the greatest!!! the ol boy hasnt aged a bit..
From: c-town
Email:  dish316@hotmail.com

Jay & Judy Tellier
Thursday, 9/21/06, 8:26 PM
Hey Nancy, Some things never change - you always did love Halloween! Jay thinks you look good for a woman of your age...he has been duly reprimanded! Drop us a line sometime... J&J
From: Peoria
Email:  reilletj@yahoo.com

Thursday, 8/24/06, 5:51 PM
I can not wait for this years haunt seoson. I've been dreaming or shall I say having reocurring nightmares since last years haunt seoson ended. I can't wait for all the unsuspecting victims to arive. See you in the darkness. Hatefully yours DaRkNeSs

Tuesday, 11/1/05, 7:20 PM
i had a great time! i went twice! i wasn't really that scared cuz my brother told me somethings not to do...he kinda ruined it for me! but oh well still had fun!
From: Aledo
Email:  iamastrangeperson@hotmail.com

Sunday, 10/30/05, 7:20 PM
This was the best yet. Had fun and it was scary this is the best haunt i have been on thank you
From: Davenport. Ia
Web Site:  jcmusac48
Email:  jcmusac48@Yahoo.com

Saturday, 10/29/05, 11:52 AM
I loved the torment!! I think it is the best haunted house I have been to! I really like the story line too.
From: galesburg
Email:  hanna022@hotmail.com

Saturday, 10/29/05, 8:53 AM
i was thier last week and you guy's did't scare me much but this weekend you got me! and it was total fricking awsome you guy's really have the set up , i love it. until this year i haven't been to a huanted in year's ,and other than the 4 th of july HALLOWEEN is my favorite holiday. i collect skull's and spooky stuff,and light's ,would love to have my own haunted house some day , but if you guys need help next year let me know would love to help out !!! LOVED IT GUY'S !!!!!!!!!! may be back one more time - on halloween with some more victims , but you can kidnap me if you like .oh and hey mike b. you probably don't remember me but i worked with you a long time ago at the factory, but not long -- couldn't deal with jeff! suzy T. from alpha, told me about the torment at 1200 and i try to send as many people as i can your way . well have fun and HAPPY HELLOWEEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: woodhull
Email:  gone51572@yahoo.com

jenna jade and shelby
Friday, 10/28/05, 10:19 PM
That was sooo fun and scary!!!!!! we about peed r pants! but there needs to be more people in the forest... it was sooo good every1 needs to go to it!
From: knoxville, illinois

Friday, 10/28/05, 9:22 PM
that was like the best haunted house i have ever been 2!!!!!!
From: colna

Thursday, 10/27/05, 1:08 PM
That haunted house rocked!!!! and my cousin worked there :)
From: Illinois
Email:  vmprlvr92@yahoo.com

Stacey Czolgosz
Tuesday, 10/25/05, 12:58 PM
I went through your haunt this past weekend, and I had the most fun I've had in a haunted house in years. It was great, and I'm coming out again this weekend. Keep up the awesome work.
From: Orion
Web Site:  The Abyss
Email:  staceah@hotmail.com

Sunday, 10/23/05, 10:06 AM
HEy that was awesome!!!!!
From: Annawan

Sunday, 10/23/05, 10:04 AM
Hi !!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@111
From: Annawan

Saturday, 10/22/05, 11:33 PM
This haunt is scary! How scary you ask? Well, it's sooo scary that I got sick in it. Very good haunt. Well done!!
From: Geneseo

Saturday, 10/22/05, 3:46 PM
this is by far the best haunted house that ive ever been too. i talked about it all night. thanks.
From: New Windsor, IL
Email:  sam_2288@hotmail.com

Saturday, 10/22/05, 9:44 AM
If you are reading this and have not went though yet then you have not been through the scarest haunt in illinois and possibly the World,Well maybe not the World but damn close.... And when you go though the haunt remember to bring extra underwear you will most definitly need them... And please dont Aggro the Zombies they really hate it when fresh flesh passes in front of there all ready decaying noses... Other than that remember to watch your back the Darkness like to creep up and bite your ARSE.........
From: Cambridge
Web Site:  Blackdeath_666
Email:  jediknight_726@hotmail.com

Friday, 10/21/05, 5:01 PM
took my 11 year old little girl and when we got there she refused to go she was scared. i was glad she chickened out first because i was if she didnt.
From: coalvalley

Thursday, 10/20/05, 4:59 PM
From: Iowa
Email:  smileysarah91@yahoo.com

Chelsea Verbeck
Thursday, 10/20/05, 2:56 PM
It is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Annawan

Sunday, 10/16/05, 7:19 PM
From: coal valley Il
Email:  babyjengir@aol.com

Sunday, 10/16/05, 5:13 PM

Sunday, 10/16/05, 9:49 AM
We had a blast, aside ofstanding in line for about an hour and a half the haunt itself was not only scary but funny. They make it exciting for oyu while you stand in line by having chainsaw men run in and out of the line scaring the hell out og you with the chainsaw, theo nly thing i can say about the place besides the long wait is the not so scary end. the ending sucked but all in all it was well worth the $8.00. I am sure i will back again next week with more victims:) GOOD JOB GUYS!!!
From: Davenport Iowa
Email:  freebird862004@yahoo.com

~*niki Cook(Bob)*~
Saturday, 10/15/05, 8:43 PM
AHHHHHHHHHHH that scared me so bad and i didn't pee my pants!! lol<3lol sara
From: orion(china)
Web Site:  Bich please
Email:  bla bla bla

Jamie Ince
Friday, 10/14/05, 8:46 AM
This was a great haunt. It's by far the best I have been to in years. Keep up the great work!!
From: Kewanee
Web Site:  www.pamperedchef.biz/jamiesfunkitchen
Email:  jme.ince@insightbb.com

Jamie Ince
Friday, 10/14/05, 8:44 AM
This was a great haunt. It's by far the best I have been to in years. Keep up the great work!!
From: Kewanee
Web Site:  Jamie Ince/ Pampered Chef
Email:  jme.ince@insightbb.com

Addison Ryckeghem
Wednesday, 10/12/05, 11:46 AM
i liked it alot, good job
From: Sherrard
Email:  chevellecamaro2@hotmail.com

Monday, 10/10/05, 8:03 PM
I have had the pleasure of going through the haunt twice already this year. Went the first weekend to check it out, my husband seen the path and the darkness and totally wimped out and stayed with the car. It was AWESOME!!!!!! It was different both times. The costumes and effects were the best I have ever seen anywhere. I am telling all my friends to go, don't miss this one !!!!!!!!
From: Rock Island
Email:  jenndon@sbcglobal.net

Saturday, 10/8/05, 2:13 PM
its hot
From: illinoi

Sunday, 10/2/05, 3:12 PM
I love this place, its so much fun! I want to go again !!! If u havent been hear yet u gota go .
From: Galesburg
Email:  theresa_workheiser@hotmail.com

Sunday, 10/2/05, 8:53 AM
Me and my friends went there last night and it was really fun and we all screamed a lot. I can't wait to go back again it was 2 tite.
From: Galesburg
Email:  bballchic_2009@hotmail.com

Saturday, 10/1/05, 12:43 PM
Email:  www.d-a-k-n-s-s@hotmail.com

Thursday, 9/29/05, 4:27 PM
I will be there this year can't wait to see everything. Great website it is very well done. I hope that the show is very scary and I am terrified. But remember, we ALL DON'T SCAR THAT EASILY. LOL SIGNED THE DARKNESS
From: The Darkest side of Life

Tuesday, 9/13/05, 3:52 AM
hey the new pictures look awsome cant wait to do it this year been looking forward to it since we got done the last night lol hope things are going well if there is a meeting just email me a day or 2 before and i will come to it if there has been one since the last one that i went to and did not go its cause i did not know about it well i have to go take er easy cant wait to scare some kiddies lmao later
From: Cambridge
Email:  damionblack1981@yahoo.com

Sunday, 6/26/05, 8:24 PM
Well I finally got to see the web page after all this time. Looks really good can't wait till Oct 2005...
From: Cambridge
Email:  jediknight_726@hotmail.com

Saturday, 10/30/04, 11:35 AM
I went to your haunted house on Friday October 29..My 14th birthday is coming up so we went there for my little party thing..It was great..You had great costumes/scary people and great props..it was very fun..Yet pretty muddy..I would go to it again..It was pretty scary..but you need to make it DARK..It was very fun though..I can't wait til next year!
From: Silvis
Email:  Lidle_one@hotmail.com

Angie Hinkle
Monday, 10/25/04, 1:05 PM
I am 50 years old and I love Hauntings, Gouhls, Spooks, and Halloween-anything-anytime! I loved looking at your web-site and I am really looking forward to going to Orion this Friday with my two daughters who are 25 & 28. They too love being scared by spooks! Thank you for putting so much effort into something I love soo much!
From: Atkinson, Il
Email:  Thru_The_Looking_Glass &.net

brandi swank
Monday, 10/25/04, 6:30 AM
you guys sould have more people in the forsets to scare.
From: abingdon
Email:  brandi_swank1991@yahoo.com

Sunday, 10/24/04, 5:17 PM
hey this site looks awsome but im to uyoung to go but maybe next year i can cuz ill be 13 well this site is really spooky and i heard the haunting is to well i hope you have a great year
From: east mo

Drew Wise
Monday, 10/18/04, 6:12 PM
Hey you guys did great for your first year. I have Been working at the Haunted Fire House in Milan for 3 years now and was really surprised after coming out to see y'alls. If you would like some help next year or the remainder of this year contact me over email. This Haunt is very recommended. A++ Drew Wise
From: Moline IL
Web Site:  The Ice Man
Email:  racinfurpenuts14@aol.com

Angela McCarthy
Monday, 10/18/04, 10:24 AM
Oh yeah! And Steve was great!!
From: Rock Island, IL

Angela McCarthy
Monday, 10/18/04, 10:24 AM
Very creepy. I will be back next year.
From: Rock Island, IL

Saturday, 10/16/04, 6:40 AM
i liked the cowboy
From: davenport
Email:  Hamishdog@msn.com

Friday, 10/15/04, 2:10 PM
I really liked your site and IM going there this weekend I cant wait!
From: Geneseo
Email:  misswolfe_03@hotmail.com

Friday, 10/15/04, 10:51 AM
Ahhh! This is so fun! You guys were Absolutely right!!!.... I can not wait for the next weekend to get here! Im so glad to be a part of this haunt and will miss it very much when it is over, but i guess i can just look forward to next year! Nancy, this is an awesome website! Its fun to see what everyone writes! See Ya all soon!!!
From: Geneseo
Email:  duyve98@yahoo.com

Angie/Mike Barham
Thursday, 10/14/04, 11:32 AM
Hey guys!! Just have to let you know how much fun we are having!!!!!! We already can't wait for the next shift. Hailee is having an awesome time with baby eating bob. She's doing her part well..."help me....please don't leave me here" Anyway, thanks for the opportunity to do this with you guys. We are LOVING it!!!! GO BEERS!!!! Love, Helen & the Assistant
From: Alpha
Email:  mahhbarham@hotmail.com

Bea O'Brien
Wednesday, 10/13/04, 2:29 PM
Dear Nancy and Stephen, I just wanted to say,GREAT JOB. Hope you had a big turn out for your first weekend. Bet you did! Also bet that everyone just loved being scared to death. I could tell just how much work you've both put into this project. I've emailed all our family and my friends and even told all my new friends here in Grand Forks about your haunted house. They've all got on your website and thought it was really neat. So sorry I can't come see it this year,but you can be sure I'll dieing to see it next year! GOOD LUCK & CONGRATULATIONS to both fo you. I wish you many many years of luck with your haunted house. LOV YA BOTH LOVE, AUNT BEA
From: Grand Forks, North Datoka
Email:  bea1313nd@yahoo.com

Audrey Witzman
Wednesday, 10/13/04, 6:28 AM
Dear Nancy and Steve, What a great website! I am really enjoying following the sequence. Wish you much success on your exciting venture. Happy Halloweeen. Aunt Audrey
From: Valparaiso, Indiana 46383
Email:  witzman@comcast.net
Tuesday, 10/12/04, 9:08 PM
IT'S OPEN AND ITS GOING GREAT!!! Im glad to see that all is going well after this long year! I cant wait till next weekend!! I wish you guys the best! Im having a blast!! love ya. Lish oh yeah sara j and dish rule!!!
From: Shitville
Email:  alisha_drescher@yahoo.com

becca lingle
Monday, 10/11/04, 7:36 PM
Good website and i just went to your guys haunted house thingy sunday night and my friend is the one who lost her cell phone!! and that was my first hauted house ever and it was great keep it up nancy and steve:)
From: orion
Email:  lingle_08@hotmail.com

Jennifer ( Brock) Rogers
Monday, 10/11/04, 6:36 PM
Congratulations Nancy!! I was wondering if this was your haunted house, so I did some investigating and found your picture. Very cool. Can't wait to see it. Jenn
From: Kewanee, IL
Email:  strawberryshortcake22074@yahoo.com

sean stach
Sunday, 10/10/04, 7:39 PM
good acting steven murphy did a great job same with Chris. they all were very good.hope you have good luck.Sean
From: Cambridge
Email:  sean_stach87@hotmail.com

Jordan Dugger
Sunday, 10/10/04, 4:43 PM
Omy Gaaa This LooKs So Scary This is pimped..i went to the corn maze and it was so scary i like tottaly peed my pants Oops!!
From: Rock Falls Ill.
Email:  jordanloveszach@msn.com

Abigail Holmes
Wednesday, 10/6/04, 9:20 PM
Oooo, in my city. Creeepy! Can't wait!
From: Orion
Email:  uggabooga14@yahoo.com

Janice Neeld
Wednesday, 10/6/04, 2:41 PM
From: Osco Il.
Email:  dakotal@geneseo.net

Friday, 10/1/04, 8:57 AM
Email:  llamas_85@yahoo.com

the mortician
Thursday, 9/30/04, 10:08 AM
i love the site. very excited and ready to haunt once again
From: hell
Email:  chevyracing82@hotmail.com

Ali Gibson
Wednesday, 9/29/04, 7:07 PM
I heard rumors that yall did the thing at the coffie house every year out here by us? If I thought that was pretty kewl, and it was really small I can't wait for this!!! SEE U THERE!!!
From: Cambridge
Web Site:  Love life light 2
Email:  Alivamp96@hotmail.com

Jane M
Wednesday, 9/29/04, 12:38 PM
very impressive. hope all goes well for your new haunting grounds
Email:  jmm@kewanee.com

kile (zoom)
Wednesday, 9/22/04, 10:25 PM
well looks like its getting to be that fun time of the year and you will be busy. good luck
From: desert of washington state
Email:  kilethecleaner@hotmail.com

Steven Murphy
Thursday, 8/19/04, 3:34 PM
Your web is pretty cool i like all the old pictures from the chamber they look cool and Nancy you are lucky to have met Tom Savani i have seen most of the movies he was in and he is one of my favorite horror flick actors well talk to you later
From: Cambridge
Email:  damionblack@vampirethemasquerade.com

brad barton
Thursday, 4/15/04, 3:50 PM
From: alpha
Email:  mccrack@winco.net

Thursday, 3/4/04, 1:32 PM
cool web page

Thursday, 2/5/04, 6:34 PM
Nancy, very cool web page, you look awsome in your white costume but look at home on your tractor. behing one of your pictures is a coyote, did ya see it? :) your crazy bud fom the desert of washington (crazy) KILE
From: washington state
Email:  kilethecleaner@hotmail.com

Sunday, 1/25/04, 1:17 PM
Yeah I finally got to check it out.. Its comming along great>.....Ill keep all other comments to myself ... Talk to you soon
From: Shitville

Thursday, 1/22/04, 11:59 PM
Very cool site looks good!!! can't wait to see it all finished
From: Hell
Email:  myass@kissit.com

Thursday, 1/15/04, 9:32 AM
Well, well, well, looks like the site is comming along well. Great drawings!!! The barn picture is spooky! Can't wait till the haunt fest begins...muuaaahahaha...sorry, just getting into character, lol. See you soon!
From: Cambridge
Email:  c_gustafson01@hotmail.com